================================ Installing wwt_kernel_data_relay ================================ Installing wwt_kernel_data_relay with pip ========================================= You can install the latest release of ``wwt_kernel_data_relay`` using pip_:: pip install wwt_kernel_data_relay .. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/ Dependencies ============ If you install ``wwt_kernel_data_relay`` using pip_ as described above, any required dependencies will get installed automatically. The `README in the Git repository`_ lists the current dependencies if you would like to see an explict list. .. _README in the Git repository: https://github.com/WorldWideTelescope/wwt_kernel_data_relay/#readme Installing the developer version ================================ If you want to use the very latest developer version, you should clone `this repository `_ and manually install the package in “editable” mode:: git clone https://github.com/WorldWideTelescope/wwt_kernel_data_relay.git cd wwt_kernel_data_relay pip install -e . You can run the test suite with the command:: pytest wwt_kernel_data_relay